Comparing the Cost and Time of CRJ200 Flight vs a Direct 737 Flight: Noel Philips’ Reflection

In Noel Philips’ video titled “4 HOURS on a CRJ! Flying the Essential Air Service,” he reflects on his experience flying on a CRJ200 and compares it to a direct flight on a 737. Noel shares his thoughts on the discomfort of the CRJ200, as well as his experience at the Denver airport and the United lounge. He discusses the bumpy flight from Denver to Prescott, Arizona, and highlights the friendliness of the flight attendants on the second leg of the journey. Noel also reflects on the cost and time comparison between the CRJ200 flight and a direct flight on a 737. Overall, his video provides an insightful look into his experience flying on the CRJ200 and the essential air service route.

Noel’s video provides an honest account of his 4-hour flight on a CRJ200, exploring the discomfort, the friendly flight attendants, and the contrasts between the CRJ200 and a direct flight. He reflects on the cost and time differences, offering valuable insights for those considering similar flights in the future. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or simply curious about the experience of flying on a CRJ200, Noel’s video offers an informative and entertaining perspective on this particular flight route.

CRJ200 Flight

Noel Philips’ Experience

In his video, Noel Philips takes the time to discuss his experience flying on a CRJ200 aircraft, which he describes as possibly “the most uncomfortable aircraft known to man.” Despite the discomfort, Noel decides to try out the Essential Air Service route in Arizona, which connects Denver, Colorado with Prescott, Arizona and then onwards to Los Angeles. He acknowledges that his love for aviation and his desire to see the CRJ200 engine at the back of the plane outweigh his need for comfort.

Uncomfortable Seating

Noel shares his opinion on the discomfort of the seating in the CRJ200 aircraft. He explains that the seating is not designed for tall individuals like himself, as the windows are positioned lower due to the aircraft being based off of a business jet design. This results in an awkward neck position when trying to look out of the window. Noel highlights that other CRJ models, such as the CRJ700s, 900s, and 1000s, do not have the same issue as they were built from the ground up as passenger commercial aircraft. Despite the uncomfortable seating, Noel chooses to focus on his passion for aviation and the unique experience of flying on this specific aircraft.

Essential Air Service Route in Arizona

Noel discusses the Essential Air Service route in Arizona, which he is trying out in his video. This route connects Denver, Colorado with Prescott, Arizona, a small town in Arizona, before continuing on to Los Angeles. He highlights the importance of the Essential Air Service program, which aims to ensure that small communities have access to air transportation services. Noel recognizes the value of these essential air routes and the impact they have on connecting different regions and providing transportation options for passengers.

CRJ200 Age and History

During his flight, Noel mentions that the CRJ200 he is flying on is 18 years old, having been delivered to SkyWest in 2003. He highlights the aircraft’s history, mentioning that it previously operated for Delta before being transferred to United in 2020. This adds an interesting aspect to the flight experience, as passengers get the opportunity to fly on an aircraft with a significant history and connection to two major airlines.

Bumpy Flight and Weather Conditions

Noel shares his experience of encountering bumpy flight and adverse weather conditions during his journey. He mentions that the flight from Denver to Prescott was particularly turbulent, with the flight attendant advising passengers to open air vents and reminding them of the location of sick bags. Noel expresses his surprise at experiencing such conditions and acknowledges that it was the first time he had encountered such turbulence during a flight. He also explains that the flight had to be rerouted due to bad weather, taking a longer route than usual. Despite the challenges, Noel remains positive and continues to document his journey.

Denver Airport and United Lounge

Noel’s Experience at Denver Airport

Noel proceeds to discuss his experience at Denver International Airport. He mentions that he is uncertain whether he will be able to access the United Lounge with his Star Alliance Gold membership. However, he is pleasantly surprised when he is granted entry. Noel expresses his appreciation for the comfort and amenities provided by the United Lounge, stating that he finds it to be one of the best lounges in the United States. He notes the wide selection of snacks and the presence of an open bar, making it a welcoming and enjoyable space for passengers.

United Lounge Facilities and Amenities

Noel highlights the facilities and amenities available at the United Lounge. He mentions the good selection of snacks and the presence of an open bar, which sets the lounge apart from others. Despite the lounge being busy on the day of his visit, Noel acknowledges that it is to be expected given the size and popularity of Denver International Airport. He expresses his satisfaction with the lounge experience and emphasizes the importance of having comfortable and enjoyable spaces for passengers to relax and prepare for their flights.

Prescott Airport and Honor System

Noel Showcases Prescott Airport

Upon arriving at Prescott Airport, Noel takes the time to showcase the airport and its facilities. He mentions that Prescott Airport sees around 24,000 passengers a year, with two daily departures to Denver and Los Angeles on SkyWest flights. He notes that BeautyCare has also started offering two daily flights to Phoenix. Noel remarks that the airport, although small, is quaint and charming, reflecting the characteristics of the town it serves. He highlights the convenience and accessibility of the airport for passengers traveling to and from Prescott.

Honor System for Purchasing Snacks

Noel piques the viewers’ interest by discussing an interesting aspect of Prescott Airport—the honor system for purchasing snacks. He explains that the airport operates on an honor system, allowing passengers to purchase snacks by dropping their money into a box. Noel notes that this unique approach to purchasing snacks in an airport is rare and adds to the charm and character of Prescott Airport. He commends the honesty and trustworthiness of both the airport and its passengers for maintaining this system.

Flight from Prescott to Los Angeles

Contrast in Friendliness Between Flight Attendants

Noel highlights an interesting contrast between the friendliness of the flight attendants on the first leg of his journey and the second leg. He explains that the flight attendant on the first leg, from Denver to Prescott, was incredibly friendly and took the time to speak to everyone on board. In contrast, the flight attendant on the second leg, from Prescott to Los Angeles, seemed disinterested and less engaged with the passengers. Noel expresses surprise at the difference in attitude and provides viewers with a firsthand account of the varying experiences one can encounter while flying.

Longer Route Due to Bad Weather

Noel shares that due to bad weather conditions, the flight from Prescott to Los Angeles had to take a longer route than usual. He explains that the flight flew south to the Mexican border before turning west along the border to San Diego, and then finally flying northward towards Los Angeles. He mentions that this longer route added to the overall flight time, despite the regular flight time for this leg typically being under an hour. Noel highlights the impact that weather conditions can have on flight routes and acknowledges the need for flexibility in such situations.

Cost Comparison

Noel reflects on the cost of his CRJ200 flight compared to a direct flight on a larger aircraft, such as a Boeing 737. He states that his flight cost him £261 or $358, amounting to a cost of 29 pence per mile. In comparison, a direct flight on a 737 would have cost under $100 and taken only two and a half hours. He poses the question to his viewers whether they would choose the CRJ200 experience over a direct flight, given the cost and time difference. Noel encourages viewers to share their opinions in the comments section, fostering a discussion on the value of unique flight experiences versus convenience and time efficiency.

Time Comparison

Noel briefly mentions the time difference between his CRJ200 flight and a direct flight on a 737. He notes that his flight took four hours, while a direct flight would have taken only two and a half hours. Despite the longer duration, Noel emphasizes the importance of considering the unique aspects of flying on a specific aircraft, such as the CRJ200, and the experiences it can offer.


In conclusion, Noel shares his overall thoughts on his CRJ200 flight and the Essential Air Service route in Arizona. He acknowledges the discomfort of the seating and the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions. However, he also highlights the unique experiences and perspectives that flying on a smaller aircraft like the CRJ200 can provide. Noel expresses gratitude for the opportunity to explore different airports, such as Denver and Prescott, and the insights they offer into the airline industry. He encourages viewers to consider their own preferences and priorities when choosing between unique flight experiences and more conventional, convenient options.