Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream: Flying Aerobatics

Have you ever dreamed of flying aerobatics? Well, in the video “Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream: Flying Aerobatics,” the author shares his experience of fulfilling his lifelong ambition by taking a flight in various aircraft at the Seven Air Academy in Cascades, Portugal. The academy offers a range of aviation services, including an airline, a skydiving school, and a flight academy. The video takes you on a journey as the author flies a Technum with a full glass cockpit, explores the views and performance of the aircraft, and later takes a thrilling flight in an Extra 300L, a sportier aircraft, where he performs exhilarating aerobatic maneuvers. The author’s joy and excitement from the experience are evident throughout the video, leaving you inspired to pursue your own aviation dreams.

Experience the thrill of aerobatics and discover the stunning views from above in the video “Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream: Flying Aerobatics.” From the Seven Air Academy in Cascades, Portugal, the author takes you on a captivating adventure as they fly in a Technum with a full glass cockpit, describing the breathtaking views and the aircraft’s performance. Later, they embark on an adrenaline-filled flight in an Extra 300L, executing impressive aerobatic maneuvers. The video leaves you eager to pursue your own aviation aspirations and features a reference to another video from Portimao where the author went skydiving. So, buckle up and join the author as they fulfill their lifelong dream of flying aerobatics!

Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream: Flying Aerobatics

Introduction to the author’s lifelong dream

Have you ever had a lifelong dream that you’ve always wanted to fulfill? For me, it was the exhilarating experience of flying aerobatics. The thought of soaring through the sky, performing loops, rolls, and spins, has always captivated my imagination. Finally, the opportunity to make this dream a reality presented itself at the Seven Air Academy in Cascades, Portugal.

Location: Seven Air Academy in Cascades, Portugal

Situated just outside of Lisbon, the Seven Air Academy in Cascades, Portugal, offers aspiring pilots the chance to learn and train in a beautiful setting. With its pristine coastal views and favorable weather conditions, it’s no wonder that this academy has become a popular destination for aviation enthusiasts from around the world.

Overview of the Seven Air Academy’s business

The Seven Air Academy is much more than just a flight school. It encompasses a wide range of aviation-related activities, including an airline, a skydiving school, and, of course, a flight academy. This comprehensive approach allows individuals to immerse themselves in various aspects of aviation, catering to different interests and aspirations.

Flight Simulator at the academy

Before taking to the skies in an actual aircraft, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the controls and procedures through the academy’s state-of-the-art flight simulator. This full-motion simulator can be configured to replicate different types of aircraft, providing a realistic training environment. It was both thrilling and educational to navigate through a circuit and practice landings, making me feel more prepared for the upcoming flights.

Flight in a Technum training aircraft

Once I had gained some confidence through the flight simulator, it was time to experience the real deal. The academy primarily uses Technum training aircraft, equipped with a full glass cockpit reminiscent of a commercial airliner. This modern technology offered an impressive and high-tech flying experience. The aircraft’s capabilities, combined with the stunning views as we flew along the coast, made for an unforgettable flight.

Description of the Technum aircraft

The Technum aircraft used at the Seven Air Academy is a marvel of engineering. With its full glass cockpit and advanced avionics, it provides a seamless fusion of modern technology and traditional piloting skills. The precise instrumentation and intuitive control systems make flying the Technum a joy. Despite its initial sluggishness during the climb, the aircraft’s performance during slow flight and its views of the Portuguese coastline more than made up for it.

Trial flight lesson included in the academy’s open day

One unique aspect of the Seven Air Academy’s open day is that every attendee is offered a trial flight lesson. This inclusion of a flight lesson not only provides a firsthand experience of what it’s like to fly but also showcases the academy’s commitment to providing a comprehensive and immersive learning environment. It was an added bonus to have the opportunity to get behind the controls and feel the aircraft respond to my inputs.

Author’s experience flying in the Technum

My experience flying in the Technum was nothing short of incredible. From the moment we took off until we landed, I was filled with a sense of awe and excitement. The unobstructed views from the cockpit offered a whole new perspective on the world below. Soaring through the sky, I could see the vibrant coastline, the azure waters, and the breathtaking landscape that Portugal has to offer. The performance of the Technum was impressive, giving me a taste of what it feels like to be a pilot.

Flight in an Extra 300L at the academy’s base in Portimao

To take the excitement to the next level, I had the opportunity to fly in an Extra 300L at the academy’s base in Portimao, Portugal. The Extra 300L is a more sporty aircraft, designed specifically for high-performance aerobatic maneuvers. This was a dream come true for me, as I had always admired the precision and skill required for aerobatics.

Description of the Extra 300L aircraft

The Extra 300L is a true powerhouse. With its lightweight yet sturdy construction and a powerful 300 horsepower engine, it can tackle any aerobatic maneuver with ease. The aircraft weighs just 600 kilograms when empty, making it nimble and responsive. Flying in the Extra 300L felt like a roller coaster ride in the sky. The steep climb, intense G-forces, and adrenaline-pumping maneuvers took my breath away.

Aerobatic maneuvers performed by the author

With the guidance of my instructor, I had the opportunity to perform a series of aerobatic maneuvers in the Extra 300L. From loops and rolls to spins and inverted flight, I experienced the full spectrum of aerobatic maneuvers that had always fascinated me. The precision and skill required to execute these maneuvers were awe-inspiring, and it was a true test of both mental and physical abilities.

Author’s enjoyment and excitement from the experience

To say that I enjoyed the experience of flying aerobatics would be an understatement. The thrill, the adrenaline rush, and the sheer joy of being able to perform these incredible maneuvers left me speechless. It was a testament to the incredible passion and dedication that pilots have for their craft. The experience was unlike anything I had ever done before and left an indelible mark on my memory.

Consideration of pursuing an aerobatics rating

After experiencing the exhilaration of flying aerobatics, I couldn’t help but consider pursuing an aerobatics rating. The idea of further honing my skills and mastering these incredible maneuvers was incredibly enticing. While it would require dedication, training, and practice, the experience has ignited a newfound passion within me. Exploring the world of aerobatics could be the next chapter in my aviation journey.

Reference to another video of the author skydiving in Portimao

If you enjoyed this video of my aerobatic adventure, I invite you to check out another video from my time in Portimao where I went skydiving. Skydiving is another thrilling and adrenaline-fueled activity that showcases the beauty and excitement of flight from a different perspective. The link to the video can be found in the description below. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey, and remember to always follow your dreams, no matter how high they may soar.