Gratitude to Lufthansa and United for Excellent Service

Gratitude to Lufthansa and United for Excellent Service is a video by Noel Philips recounting his flight diversion due to drones. He was originally supposed to fly from Birmingham to Seattle with a connection in Frankfurt, but Frankfurt airport closed due to drone sightings. The flight was diverted to Nuremberg for refueling, and the passengers were then taken on a two and a half hour drive to Frankfurt. Due to the diversion, Noel missed his Condor flight to Seattle and had to book a new ticket with United for a Premium Economy flight. Despite the delays and disruptions, Noel arrived in Seattle and expressed his gratitude to Lufthansa and United for their excellent service and handling of the situation.

Gratitude to Lufthansa

Flight diversion due to drones

You started your journey from Birmingham with the expectation of a smooth flight to Seattle, with a connection in Frankfurt. However, your plans took a turn when the Frankfurt airport was closed due to drone sightings. This unexpected situation led to your flight being diverted to Nuremberg to refuel.

Two and a half hour drive to Frankfurt

After refueling in Nuremberg, you and the other passengers were taken on a two and a half hour drive to Frankfurt. While this was an inconvenience, you appreciated that Lufthansa provided transportation for you to reach your original destination.

Missed Condor flight to Seattle

Unfortunately, due to the diversion and subsequent delays, you missed your Condor flight to Seattle. This meant that you had to make alternative arrangements to reach your final destination.

Booked new ticket with United for Premium Economy flight

In order to continue your journey to Seattle, you decided to book a new ticket with United for a Premium Economy flight. Despite the unexpected expenses, you recognized the importance of reaching your destination without further delay.

Received premium plus meal onboard

Once you boarded the United flight, you were pleasantly surprised to receive a premium plus meal. This unexpected treat helped ease the frustration caused by the flight delays and changes.

Flight duration of 10 hours and 58 minutes

Your journey from Frankfurt to San Francisco took a total of 10 hours and 58 minutes. While the flight duration was longer than originally planned, you made the most of your time onboard, taking advantage of the amenities available.

Arrived in San Francisco late at night instead of planned lunchtime in Seattle

Due to the flight diversion and delays, you arrived in San Francisco late at night instead of the planned lunchtime arrival in Seattle. Despite the change in schedule, you were grateful to have safely reached your destination.

Gratitude to United

Impressed with premium economy service on United Airlines

On your flight from Poland to San Francisco, with a layover in Seattle, you flew with United Airlines in their premium economy class. You were impressed with the level of service and comfort provided by the airline.

Smooth first leg of the flight with good entertainment and meal service

During the first leg of your journey, you experienced a smooth flight with United Airlines. The entertainment options and meal service provided were satisfactory, helping to make your journey enjoyable.

Hoping to see the Northern Lights during the flight

As you flew towards Seattle, you were hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights during the flight. While this did not happen, you appreciated the opportunity to experience the beauty of the night sky from a different perspective.

Delayed second leg of the flight from San Francisco to Seattle

Unfortunately, your second leg of the journey from San Francisco to Seattle was delayed, causing some inconvenience. However, you remained patient and understanding, knowing that delays can happen.

Comfort in the United Club Lounge before the flight to Seattle

To make your wait more comfortable, you took advantage of the amenities offered at the United Club Lounge before your flight to Seattle. This allowed you to relax and prepare for the next leg of your journey.

Comfortable seating in premium economy on Airbus A320

Once onboard the flight to Seattle, you were pleased with the comfortable seating in the premium economy class on the Airbus A320 aircraft. The additional legroom and amenities provided made the flight more enjoyable.

Disruption on the flight due to strong smells from passengers’ food

During the flight, you experienced some disruption due to strong smells from other passengers’ food. While this was unpleasant, you appreciated how the situation was handled by the United Airlines staff, despite the delays.

Pleased with how the situation was handled by United despite delays

Despite the delays and disruptions, you were pleased with how United Airlines handled the situation. The staff remained professional and attentive, ensuring that passengers were comfortable and informed throughout the journey.

Recommendations for travel insurance and comfortable credit limit for last-minute emergencies

In light of the unexpected situations you encountered during your travels, you recommended having travel insurance and a comfortable credit limit for last-minute emergencies. These precautions can provide peace of mind and help mitigate any unforeseen circumstances.

Arrived in Seattle after 26 hours of travel instead of 10-11 hours

In the end, your journey from Poland to Seattle took a total of 26 hours, instead of the anticipated 10-11 hours. Despite the extended travel time, you were grateful to have reached your destination safely and were appreciative of the efforts made by United Airlines to accommodate and assist you.


Reflecting on the drone situation that caused flight delays, you expressed gratitude to both Lufthansa and United for their excellent service and handling of the situation. Despite the challenges faced during your journey, you were able to reach your destination with the help of these airlines. Overall, you remained positive and appreciative of the assistance provided, recognizing the importance of quality service in times of unexpected circumstances in air travel.