PIA Banned from Flying in Europe and the US

This article tells the story of the author’s experience flying with PIA Pakistan International Airlines, a controversial airline that has been banned from flying in Europe and the US. The author flew on a Chinese-built airliner from Kuala Lumpur to Islamabad, and encountered various issues along the way, including delays, passengers fighting over seats, and the discovery of pilots flying without licenses. Despite these challenges, the author had a positive overall experience, praising the service and food. The article also discusses the ban on PIA and the mixed opinions among Pakistanis about the airline. It concludes with a call for viewers to subscribe and not miss out on upcoming videos.

Background of PIA

History of PIA

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has a long history that dates back to its inception in 1946. It was founded as Orient Airways, which then merged with another airline to form Pakistan International Airlines. Over the years, PIA has been a source of national pride for Pakistanis, serving as the flag carrier of the country and connecting Pakistan with destinations all around the world.

Challenges with route network

In recent years, PIA has faced challenges with their route network. The airline has struggled to maintain profitable routes and has had to cut back on certain destinations. This has been due to a combination of factors such as competition from other airlines, high operational costs, and geopolitical issues. PIA has been working to address these challenges by exploring new routes and adjusting their flight schedules.

Investment needed for plane improvement

PIA operates a fleet of older planes, which require constant maintenance and investment for improvement. The airline has been seeking investment and partnerships to upgrade their aircraft and improve their overall flying experience. However, securing funding and acquiring newer planes has been a slow process for PIA. This has led to concerns about the safety and reliability of their fleet among both passengers and aviation authorities.

Mixed opinions among Pakistanis

Opinions about PIA are mixed among Pakistanis. Some individuals hold a deep sense of pride in the national airline and have had positive experiences flying with PIA. They appreciate the friendly service and the traditional Pakistani meals served on board. However, there is also a segment of the population that feels ashamed of PIA due to their track record of safety issues and operational challenges. They believe that the airline has not lived up to its potential and should be held to higher standards.

PIA Banned from Flying in Europe and the US

Reasons for the ban

PIA’s ban from flying in Europe and the US stems from serious concerns about the airline’s safety standards and operational practices. After a fatal accident involving a PIA aircraft, an investigation revealed that a significant number of PIA pilots were flying without proper licenses. This revelation raised questions about the airline’s adherence to international safety regulations and prompted aviation authorities to take action.

PIA’s pilot license issues

The discovery of pilots flying without licenses was a major blow to PIA’s reputation and resulted in a loss of trust in the airline. PIA took immediate action in response, terminating the contracts of pilots found to be operating without licenses. However, the damage had already been done, and the ban on PIA’s operations in Europe and the US remains in place until further notice.

Impact on PIA’s operations

The ban on PIA flying in Europe and the US has had a significant impact on the airline’s operations. It has severely restricted PIA’s ability to serve these important markets and has resulted in a loss of revenue. Additionally, PIA’s reputation has suffered, and it has become more challenging for the airline to attract passengers. The ban has also highlighted the need for PIA to address concerns about safety and improve its overall operational practices.

Views of the ban by Pakistanis

The ban on PIA flying in Europe and the US has sparked a range of opinions among Pakistanis. Some individuals feel that the ban is justified given the safety concerns raised by the pilot license issues. They believe that PIA must take the necessary steps to address these concerns before being allowed to resume operations in Europe and the US. Others view the ban as an unfair blow to the national airline and believe that it does not accurately represent the overall standards of PIA.

Author’s Personal Experience

Flying with PIA on a Chinese built airliner in Nepal

During a trip to Nepal, the author had the opportunity to fly with PIA on a Chinese built airliner. Despite the ban on PIA’s operations in Europe and the US, the author felt safe and excited to experience the airline firsthand.

Delay and handbag weighing during flight from Kuala Lumpur to Islamabad

At the Kuala Lumpur airport, the author experienced a delay and witnessed the unusual practice of passengers having to weigh their handbags. This added an extra layer of confusion and inconvenience to the check-in process.

Description of the aircraft

Boarding the PIA 777, the author described the aircraft as a bit worn and cramped but overall decent. The seats in the executive economy class offered some legroom, but the cabin showed signs of age and wear.

Chaos during boarding

The author witnessed chaos during the boarding process, with passengers fighting over seats and flight attendants trying to manage the situation. This created a sense of disorder and further delayed the departure of the flight.

Duration of the flight

The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Islamabad lasted approximately five hours and twenty minutes. The author passed the time by trying to get comfortable in their seat, observing the cabin, and resting.

Author’s Observations and Opinions

Cigarette smoke despite no-smoking policies

Despite strict no-smoking policies, the author smelled cigarette smoke on the flight. This observation raised concerns about the enforcement of safety regulations and the comfort of passengers.

Surprisingly green view of Pakistan

As the aircraft approached Islamabad, the author was surprised to see a lush, green landscape below. This provided a refreshing and unexpected view of Pakistan, defying stereotypes and showcasing the country’s natural beauty.

Cost of the flight

The author highlighted the cost of the flight, which amounted to £307 or $405 for a journey of 2,800 miles. This information provides readers with an insight into the affordability of flying with PIA and the value for money it offers.

Arrival procedures in Islamabad

Upon arrival in Islamabad, the author described the temperature scans, health forms, and quarantine procedures in place. These measures reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel and the efforts made by PIA and Pakistani authorities to ensure the safety of passengers.

Positive experience and praise for service and food

Despite the challenges and issues encountered during the flight, the author had an overall positive experience with PIA. They specifically praised the service provided by the flight attendants and the quality of the food served on board.

Future Potential for PIA

Growth potential in long haul services

Despite the current challenges, PIA still holds growth potential, particularly in long haul services. With the right investments, partnerships, and improvements in operational practices, PIA can expand its route network and attract more passengers.

Need for investment in newer planes

One of the key areas that require investment is PIA’s fleet of older planes. Acquiring newer planes would not only enhance the safety and reliability of PIA’s operations but also improve the overall passenger experience.

Importance of passenger feedback

To ensure future success, PIA must actively seek and consider passenger feedback. This can help the airline identify areas for improvement and address any concerns or issues raised by customers. Passenger satisfaction should be a priority in PIA’s future plans.


Summary of PIA’s ban and its impact

The ban on PIA’s operations in Europe and the US stems from safety concerns and pilot license issues. This ban has had a significant impact on PIA’s operations, including a loss of revenue and damage to the airline’s reputation. However, it also presents an opportunity for PIA to address these concerns and work towards regaining the trust of international aviation authorities and passengers.

Author’s overall impression of PIA

Based on their personal experience, the author had an overall positive impression of PIA. Despite the challenges faced by the airline, the author appreciated the service provided by the flight attendants, the quality of the food, and the affordability of the flight.

Discussion on PIA’s future prospects

Looking ahead, PIA has the potential for growth and success. By investing in newer planes, addressing safety concerns, and prioritizing passenger satisfaction, PIA can position itself as a reliable and competitive airline in the global aviation industry. It is crucial for PIA to learn from past challenges and take proactive steps towards securing a promising future.