Pilot Vlog: McDonalds Adventure

In the Pilot Vlog: McDonalds Adventure, Noel Philips takes you along on his exciting journey of flying a plane to McDonalds to get a Big Mac. He shares his experience of navigating the sky, landing at the airport, and finding his way to the McDonalds. With stunning views from the plane and a mouth-watering meal, Noel highlights the joy and convenience of being able to fly to his favorite fast food restaurant in just a fraction of the time it would take by car or train. Join him on this adventure and discover the thrill of combining aviation and delicious food firsthand.

Noel Philips, a private pilot and vlogger, takes you on a unique and thrilling experience as he flies his plane to McDonalds to satisfy his craving for a Big Mac. In this captivating pilot vlog, you’ll witness the breathtaking views from the cockpit, the precision of landing at the airport, and the sheer convenience of flying to a fast food restaurant. Noel’s enthusiasm for aviation and food shines through as he enjoys his meal at 6,000 feet above the North Sea, emphasizing the freedom and joy that flying can bring. So sit back, buckle up, and get ready for a soaring adventure that will leave you craving both the friendly skies and a tasty meal from McDonalds.


Welcome to the exciting world of private pilot vlogging! In a recent video, pilot Noel Philips took his viewers on a unique adventure – flying to McDonald’s to grab a Big Mac. In this article, we will delve into the details of Noel’s flight, from the planning process to the exhilarating experience of soaring through the sky. Join us as we explore the steps involved in this unconventional food run and the joys of being able to combine a passion for flying with a quick bite to eat.

Background Information

Noel Philips, a private pilot and vlogger, has gained quite a following through his captivating videos showcasing his aviation adventures. In one particular upload, he decided to embark on a special journey to McDonald’s for a Big Mac. This unconventional outing perfectly demonstrates the freedom and flexibility that comes with being a private pilot. If you’re interested in more of Noel’s flying exploits, make sure to subscribe to his Private Pilot Vlog channel. Additionally, if you want to show your support, you can check out his merchandise and consider becoming a patron on his Patreon page.

Planning the Adventure

Before taking off for McDonald’s, Noel had to carefully plan his flight to ensure everything went smoothly. His main objective was to fly to the fast food chain, pick up lunch, and return home in time to pick up his kids from school. This required a thorough understanding of his flight route, timing, and navigation. With these considerations in mind, Noel was ready to embark on this unconventional food run.

Flight Preparations

Every successful flight begins with thorough preparations, and Noel’s trip to McDonald’s was no exception. He meticulously prepared the aircraft for the journey, making sure all systems were in working order. He also checked the destination coordinates to input into the navigation system, ensuring he would reach McDonald’s with precision. Finally, Noel made sure to fuel the plane adequately for the round trip, ensuring a seamless flight experience.

Flying to McDonald’s

As a skilled pilot, Noel took the controls and expertly piloted the plane to their destination, crossing the Rush, an area of sea between Lincolnshire and Norfolk. Throughout the flight, he navigated the airspace and enjoyed the breathtaking views from the cockpit. Amidst the serenity of the skies, Noel made his way towards McDonald’s, eager to satisfy his craving for a delicious Big Mac.

Landing and Taxiing

Approaching the runway, Noel executed a smooth final approach, ensuring a safe landing. With the guidance of air traffic control, he taxied the aircraft to its designated parking area. Before leaving the runway, Noel made sure to express his gratitude to the air traffic controllers for their assistance in making his flight as seamless as possible.

Arrival at McDonald’s

After safely parking the plane, Noel ventured out to find the nearest McDonald’s. Fortunately, the location was well signposted, making it easy for him to locate his desired sandwich destination. With a Big Mac in hand, he headed back to the plane, excited to enjoy his meal before it got cold.

Flying Back Home

Once back in the air, Noel bid farewell to Norwich and headed back towards Gamston. Taking advantage of the flight duration, he savored the flavors of his Big Mac while enjoying the scenic beauty of flying. The freedom and joy of soaring through the skies were highlighted during this leg of the adventure. Being able to combine the love of flying with simple pleasures like enjoying a meal at 6,000 feet is truly a unique experience.


Reflecting on his flight, Noel expressed his gratitude for the privilege of being able to fly and explore the world from above. He emphasized the convenience and efficiency of flying, especially when compared to long drives or train rides. For him, this flight perfectly encapsulated the thrill and wonder of aviation. Noel welcomes viewer feedback and encourages anyone interested in aviation to reach out and share their thoughts and experiences.

Closing Statement

In conclusion, Noel’s flight to McDonald’s showcased the incredible possibilities that being a private pilot offers. From the careful planning and flight preparations to the exhilarating experience of flying and enjoying a Big Mac at 6,000 feet, this adventure truly exemplifies the joy of combining a love for flying with everyday experiences. If you’re looking for more aviation excitement, make sure to check out Noel’s other videos. Safe flying and happy dining!