Reaching Kilimanjaro with Hope for a Better Future

Reaching Kilimanjaro with Hope for a Better Future is a captivating video by Noel Philips about his journey to Kilimanjaro with Air Kenya. The video reflects on the challenging year of 2020 and its impact, while also showcasing footage of Kilimanjaro itself. In the video, Noel thanks his patrons for their support, talks about the low passenger numbers due to the current situation, and gives shout-outs to fellow aviation YouTubers. Despite the difficulties faced during the pandemic, reaching Kilimanjaro becomes a symbol of hope for a better future. The video highlights the resilience and determination to continue exploring and experiencing the world, even in a time of uncertainty.

Reflection on the Year 2020

The year 2020 has been a true rollercoaster for everyone. It brought unprecedented challenges and changes that no one could have anticipated. As we reflect on this extraordinary year, it is important to acknowledge the impact it has had on our lives, our plans, and our outlook on the future.

Impact of 2020

The impact of 2020 cannot be overstated. It has touched every aspect of our lives – from the way we work and communicate, to the way we travel and interact with others. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economies, led to job losses, and caused widespread uncertainty and fear. It has forced us to question our priorities and adapt to a new normal.

Canceled Plans and Changes

Many of us had plans for 2020 that had to be canceled or drastically changed. Trips that were eagerly anticipated had to be put on hold or postponed indefinitely. The travel industry, in particular, has been severely affected, with airlines and hotels struggling to survive. It has been a year of disappointment and missed opportunities, but it has also been a year of resilience and adaptability.

Online Hate and Motivation

Unfortunately, along with the challenges of 2020 came an increase in online hate and negativity. We have seen an alarming rise in cyberbullying and trolls, aiming to spread hate and negativity. However, as the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” For many, the online hate served as motivation to work harder and prove the naysayers wrong. It has highlighted the importance of rising above negativity and focusing on the positive.

Support and Gratitude

In times of difficulty, support from others becomes a lifeline. Many content creators, including Noel Philips, rely on the support of their audience to continue creating quality content. Affiliate links and Patreon pages have become important sources of income for creators, allowing them to sustain their work and bring more value to their viewers.

Affiliate Links and Patreon Page

Noel Philips, the creator of the video, has provided affiliate links as a way for viewers to support his work. By clicking on these links, viewers can make purchases that contribute to the creator’s income. This is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation and keep the content coming.

Thanks to Patrons

Noel also expresses his gratitude to his patrons on Patreon. These individuals have chosen to support his work through monthly donations, giving him the stability to continue creating content. Their contributions not only provide financial support but also serve as a vote of confidence in the creator’s abilities.

Flying to Kilimanjaro

Despite the challenges of 2020, Noel Philips takes us on a journey to Kilimanjaro with Air Kenya. The flight itself holds symbolic meaning, representing hope for a better future.

Flight with Air Kenya

Air Kenya is the carrier for Noel’s journey to Kilimanjaro. It is worth noting that Air Kenya Express usually operates the Dash Seven aircraft, a rarity in the aviation world. However, due to the current situation and low passenger numbers, a larger aircraft is not feasible. Even so, the flight provides a unique experience and an opportunity to explore the beauty of Tanzania.

Low Passenger Numbers

The impact of the pandemic on air travel is evident in the low passenger numbers. Kenya, heavily reliant on tourism, has seen a significant decrease in visitors. However, there is a glimmer of hope as passenger numbers start to improve. The resilience of the travel industry gives hope for a brighter future.

Empty Flight to Kilimanjaro

Noel’s flight to Kilimanjaro is an unusual one. He is the only passenger onboard the aircraft, reflecting the reality of the times. In most cases, airlines would cancel a flight with such low occupancy. However, Air Kenya allows passengers to purchase extra seats to ensure the flight goes ahead. This extra step comes with a cost, but it allowed Noel to continue his filming commitments.

Expensive Tickets

The additional seats purchased by Noel to ensure the flight’s departure came at a price. Traveling during the pandemic and ensuring safety measures requires additional expenses. It reflects the determination of travelers to adapt and find alternative solutions in order to explore new destinations.

Deserted Airport Terminals

Noel’s journey highlights the impact of the pandemic on airports. Manchester Airport, in particular, is depicted as deserted and void of its usual hustle and bustle. This scene is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by the aviation industry. However, it also symbolizes the hope for a future where terminals will once again be filled with travelers and excitement.

Shout Outs to Aviation YouTubers

In the midst of the challenges faced by the travel industry, Noel takes a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the work of other aviation YouTubers.

Jeb Brooks

Jeb Brooks is one of the aviation YouTubers that Noel highlights. Despite the difficulties of 2020, Jeb continues to create informative and engaging videos. His ability to adapt to the ongoing craziness of the year is commendable and serves as an inspiration to content creators.

Josh Cahill

Noel also gives a shout out to Josh Cahill, another aviation YouTuber who has produced fantastic content throughout the year. His videos about traveling through different countries, such as Tunisia and Papua New Guinea, are highly recommended. Josh’s dedication and passion for creating quality content resonate with viewers.

Dennis Bunnik

Dennis Bunnik, both an aviation YouTuber and the operator of a tour company, faces unique challenges in the travel industry as Australia imposes strict travel restrictions. Despite these hurdles, Dennis continues to produce videos and demonstrate resilience in the face of uncertainty. His commitment to providing travel content under difficult circumstances deserves recognition and support.

Reaching Kilimanjaro

Symbolism plays a significant role in Noel’s journey to Kilimanjaro. Starting the year at Mount Everest and ending it at Kilimanjaro carries a meaningful message.

Symbolism in Starting at Mount Everest

The journey begins at Mount Everest, one of the world’s most iconic and challenging mountains. Just like the mountain climbers, we have collectively faced immense challenges in 2020. The journey to Kilimanjaro represents the perseverance and determination needed to overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

Hope for a Better Future

As Noel reaches Kilimanjaro, there is a sense of hope for a better future. Despite the difficulties faced throughout the year, the journey serves as a reminder that brighter days are ahead. Kilimanjaro, with its majestic beauty and awe-inspiring presence, symbolizes the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for growth and transformation.


As we reflect on the year 2020, it is evident that it has been a challenging and transformative time for all. The impact of the pandemic has disrupted plans, brought online hate, and caused immense changes in the travel industry. However, amidst the difficulties, there is support, gratitude, and hope for the future. The willingness to adapt, the support of patrons and viewers, and the persistence of content creators demonstrate the strength and resilience of the human spirit. As we move forward, we can embrace the challenges and forge a path towards a better future. The journey to Kilimanjaro reminds us to hold onto hope and believe in the possibilities that lie ahead.