Traveling on Eurostar During COVID-19: Exploring Changes and Restrictions

Are you curious about what it’s like to travel on Eurostar during COVID-19? In a video by Noel Philips, he explores the changes and restrictions on the journey from Paris to London. Eurostar is currently operating a reduced timetable with only three trains a day. Passengers are required to fill in a border force form before traveling to the UK. The boarding process at Paris is efficient, with passengers clearing both French and British borders. The departure lounge in Paris is quieter than normal, and the journey itself is straightforward and convenient, with a meal provided on board for standard premier passengers. The video concludes with a return to London and an overall positive experience of traveling on Eurostar during these challenging times.

Timetable Changes and Restrictions

Eurostar is currently operating a reduced timetable with only three trains a day. This is due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19. It’s important to note that the timetable is subject to change, and Eurostar typically gives about a week’s notice of any alterations. So if you’re planning to book a journey, make sure to keep an eye on the schedule. Additionally, all tickets are changeable at the moment, allowing you the flexibility to adjust your travel plans as needed.

Passengers are now required to fill in a border force form before traveling to the UK. While it may seem like an extra step, this form is necessary for the UK government to track and monitor international travelers during the pandemic. It’s important to ensure that you have completed the form before heading to the passport control. There are signs to remind passengers at the Paris station, so you won’t forget this important step. Just take a few minutes to fill it out, and you’ll be ready to proceed with your journey.

Boarding Process at Paris

The boarding process at Paris is efficient, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Passengers clear both the French and British borders in one go. First, you go through the French passport control, followed by the British one. Whether you’re traveling for leisure or business, this streamlined process allows you to move through the necessary checks quickly.

After passing through the passport control, you’ll need to show your completed passenger locator form to the Eurostar staff. This form acts as proof that you have completed the necessary documentation for your entry into the UK. Once that’s done, you can proceed to the British departure area. The security point is straightforward, with no need to remove liquids or electronics from your bag. Simply place your belongings on the conveyor, collect them on the other side, and you’re ready to head to the departure lounge.

The departure lounge at Paris is currently quieter than normal due to the reduced timetable. With only a few departures each day, you can expect a more relaxed atmosphere. While the usual amenities may be limited, such as the coffee shop being closed, there are still vending machines available to grab a snack or drink. Take some time to relax before boarding your train, and enjoy the tranquility of the departure lounge.

Journey from Paris to London

The journey from Paris to London on Eurostar is straightforward and convenient. The train provides a comfortable and enjoyable experience for passengers. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Eurostar continues to prioritize the safety and comfort of its passengers.

If you’re traveling in Standard Premier class, you’ll also be treated to a meal on board. This allows you to relax and enjoy your journey while enjoying a delicious meal. It’s a small touch that adds to the overall experience and makes your trip more enjoyable.

One interesting observation is the recent increase in travel between London and Paris. The Eurostar trains have been quite busy, with sold-out seats becoming the norm in recent days. This indicates a pickup in travel and shows that people are starting to feel more comfortable with traveling again. It’s a positive sign for both the Eurostar and the travel industry as a whole.

Passing Through the Channel Tunnel

A unique aspect of the journey from Paris to London on Eurostar is passing through the Channel Tunnel. This underground portion of the trip offers a different experience for passengers. It’s an opportunity to travel beneath the English Channel and appreciate the engineering marvel that is the tunnel.

Despite being underground, it’s worth noting that there is a phone signal available while inside the tunnel. This means you can stay connected and use your phone as you would above ground. It’s a small comfort that can make the journey even more enjoyable, especially if you have important calls or messages to attend to.

Promotion of Blinkist

In addition to the travel experience, the video by Noel Philips also promotes Blinkist, a service that condenses non-fiction books into 15-minute chunks. Blinkist provides an introduction and explanation of this innovative service, allowing travelers to access the key takeaways of non-fiction books quickly and conveniently.

Blinkist is designed to make the most of your travel time. With over 3,000 titles available, you can choose from a wide range of topics and genres to suit your interests. The condensed format allows you to grasp the main ideas and insights from each book within a short timeframe.

The benefits of using Blinkist during travel are numerous. It provides an opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge without the need for lengthy reading sessions. Whether you’re on a short journey or a long-haul trip, Blinkist allows you to make the most of your travel time and engage with intellectual content in a convenient and accessible way.

Return to London

Overall, the journey from Paris to London on Eurostar during COVID-19 was a positive experience. Despite the changes and restrictions, it was straightforward and convenient, offering a smooth travel experience. Eurostar’s efficient boarding process and the quieter departure lounge in Paris contributed to a stress-free journey.

The impressions of the journey were largely favorable, with passengers noting the enjoyable meal provided on board for Standard Premier passengers. The recent increase in travel between London and Paris also indicated a growing demand and a positive outlook for the future of travel.

In conclusion, traveling on Eurostar during COVID-19 may have its limitations, but it remains a reliable and comfortable option for those looking to travel between Paris and London. The safety measures in place, such as the border force form requirement, ensure the well-being of passengers and allow for a worry-free journey. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, Eurostar continues to provide a pleasant experience, showcasing its commitment to customer satisfaction even in challenging times.