Vietnam Airlines Cabin and Service Review: A Brief Overview

In the video titled “Vietnam Airlines Cabin and Service Review: A Brief Overview” by Noel Philips, he recounts his experience flying with Vietnam Airlines in Vietnam. He shares that he made a mistake when booking his flight, which nearly caused him to miss his connection. Upon arrival in Ho Chi Minh City, he had to navigate the separate domestic and international terminals, changing terminals and collecting his bag in limited time. Despite the challenges, he expresses gratitude for making it on board his flight and proceeds to provide a brief review of the Vietnam Airlines cabin and service. The video concludes with Noel’s arrival in Singapore, where he mentions the ease of immigration for vaccinated passengers and the successful arrival of his bag, while thanking viewers and mentioning his next flight. Overall, the video offers valuable insights into the experience of flying with Vietnam Airlines and highlights the efficient service provided by the airline.

Booking and Connection

Mistake in booking nearly caused a missed connection

When booking a flight with Vietnam Airlines, I made a big mistake that almost caused me to miss my connecting flight. I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City from Danang, but the flight was an hour and a half late, leaving me with a tight connection time of only two and a half hours. It was a nerve-wracking situation, and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it to my next flight in time.

Challenge of changing terminals and collecting bags

To make matters more challenging, I had to change terminals and collect my checked baggage. Domestic and international flights in Ho Chi Minh City operate from separate terminals, which meant that I had to transfer between them. Even though I was on the same ticket, I still had to go through the hassle of going across terminals and rechecking my bags for the next leg of my journey.

Separate domestic and international terminals in Ho Chi Minh City

It’s important to note that domestic and international flights in Ho Chi Minh City are operated from different terminals. This means that even if you’re on the same ticket, you will still need to transfer between terminals and go through the necessary security checks and procedures. It can be a bit confusing and time-consuming, especially if you have a tight connection time like I did, so it’s important to plan accordingly and allow yourself enough time for the transfer.

Boarding and Flight Experience

Gratitude for making it on board

After a stressful rush to make it to my connecting flight, I was incredibly grateful when I finally made it on board the Vietnam Airlines flight. It was a huge relief to know that I hadn’t missed my flight and that I would be able to continue on with my journey.

Overview of Vietnam Airlines cabin

The cabin of the Vietnam Airlines flight had a retro look, reminiscent of the 1980s. While it may not have been the most modern or luxurious cabin, it was clean and well-maintained. The seats were comfortable enough for the relatively short duration of the flight, and there was ample legroom for me to stretch out and relax.

Review of Vietnam Airlines service

I was pleasantly surprised by the service provided by Vietnam Airlines. The cabin crew was attentive and friendly, constantly coming through the cabin to top up passengers’ drinks and offer any assistance needed. They were efficient in serving meals and clearing trays, ensuring that everyone had a comfortable and enjoyable flight experience.

Arrival and Immigration in Singapore

Ease of immigration for vaccinated passengers

Upon arriving in Singapore, I was pleased to find that there was a separate immigration line for vaccinated passengers. With hardly anybody in line, I breezed through immigration in just three minutes. It was a seamless process, and I appreciated the convenience and efficiency of the system.

Successful delivery of checked baggage

After going through immigration, I anxiously awaited the arrival of my checked baggage. To my relief, my bag was one of the first to come out on the carousel. It was a testament to the efficiency and reliability of Vietnam Airlines in ensuring that luggage reaches its final destination successfully.


Thanking viewers

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the viewers who followed along with my experience flying with Vietnam Airlines. Your support and engagement mean a lot to me, and I hope that my firsthand account has provided valuable insights for those considering flying with Vietnam Airlines or navigating airports in Vietnam.

Mentioning next flight

While my time in Singapore is short, I have another flight to catch in a few hours. I invite you to stay tuned and subscribe to my channel to join me on my next adventure. I’ll be sharing more about my travel experiences and providing reviews and insights to help you make the most out of your own journeys. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video!