Where Do Most Tourists Come From In The US?

Have you ever wondered where the majority of tourists visiting the United States come from? It seems like a simple question, but the answer might surprise you. In this article, we will explore the origin of most tourists in the US, shedding light on the countries that send the largest number of visitors to this diverse and captivating nation. We will uncover the top sources of tourism, giving you an insight into the global appeal of the United States as a travel destination. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery as we uncover the origins of the many visitors who flock to this land of endless possibilities.

Overall Tourist Demographics

Total number of tourists

Each year, millions of tourists visit the United States, making it one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Whether it’s the bustling cities, stunning natural landscapes, or vibrant cultural diversity, there is something to attract tourists from all corners of the globe. The total number of tourists visiting the US annually is quite impressive, reaching around 80 million in recent years.

Percentage of international tourists

International tourists are a significant segment of the overall tourist demographics in the US. Roughly 15% of the total tourists visiting the US come from abroad. These international visitors contribute immensely to the cultural exchange, economic growth, and diversity of experiences that the US has to offer.

Percentage of domestic tourists

While international tourists are an important part of the US tourism industry, domestic tourists make up the larger portion. Around 85% of the total tourists in the US are domestic travelers, exploring various states within their own country. This high number is a testament to the vastness and diversity of the United States, which offers many exciting destinations and attractions to its own citizens.

Top Countries of Origin

The United States attracts tourists from all over the world, but some countries stand out as the top sources of incoming tourists. Let’s take a look at the top countries of origin for tourists visiting the US.


As the neighboring country, Canada provides a significant number of tourists to the US. The close proximity between the two nations and ease of travel make Canada the leading country of origin for tourists in the United States. Canadians often venture south to enjoy warmer climates, explore American cities, and experience the unique cultural offerings.


Mexico is another prominent contributor to the US tourist demographic. With the shared border and cultural ties, Mexicans frequently visit the US for various purposes, from leisure and shopping to business and educational trips. The popularity of border cities makes Mexico one of the top countries of origin for visitors to the United States.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has a deep interest in American culture, history, and landscapes. Many British tourists are drawn to iconic American landmarks, such as the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, and Route 66. British tourists often embark on extended trips, allowing them to explore multiple states and immerse themselves in diverse American experiences.


In recent years, there has been a significant rise in outbound tourism from China, and the United States is a highly favored destination among Chinese tourists. Chinese visitors are attracted to the glitz and glamour of American cities, world-renowned shopping opportunities, and the chance to explore the natural wonders of America. The cultural exchange between the US and China has greatly influenced the tourism flow between the two nations.


Japanese tourists have a strong fascination with American history, culture, and entertainment. They often delve into the historical aspects of the US, visiting famous landmarks like Pearl Harbor and Mount Rushmore. In addition, Japanese tourists enjoy exploring multiple states during their trips, appreciating the diverse landscapes and experiencing key American seasons, such as the colorful fall foliage or festive winter celebrations.


Germany is known for its love of outdoor activities, and the US provides an excellent playground for German tourists seeking adventure. Whether it’s road trips through national parks, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or discovering hidden gems, German tourists are drawn to the natural beauty and outdoor opportunities that the US has to offer. Furthermore, the vibrant cities of the US provide an enticing contrast to the German way of life.


Brazilian tourists have been increasingly visiting the United States, attracted by a combination of shopping, entertainment, and the allure of American culture. The US offers a wide range of shopping opportunities, from luxury brands to outlet malls, making it a shopping paradise for Brazilian visitors. It’s also common for Brazilian tourists to visit cultural and entertainment hubs like New York City and Orlando.


Indian tourists have shown a growing interest in exploring the United States, driven by factors such as increasing disposable incomes, easier access to visas, and a desire for overseas experiences. The US offers a blend of iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, and educational institutions that cater to Indian desires for adventure, knowledge, and personal growth.

South Korea

South Koreans are avid travelers, and the US is a preferred destination due to its diverse attractions and various travel options. South Korean tourists often explore major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The US also offers opportunities for South Korean visitors to explore rural areas, indulge in outdoor activities, and experience the ever-evolving American cultural scene.


French tourists have an enduring curiosity for American history, culture, and art. They are often drawn to iconic American cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and New Orleans. French visitors appreciate the grand museums and art galleries, which offer a wealth of artistic treasures and exhibitions. Exploring the vibrant American culinary scene is also a highlight for French tourists.

Factors Influencing Tourist Flow

Several factors influence the flow of tourists into the United States. These factors can vary from country to country and have a significant impact on the number and type of visitors.

Proximity to the US

Proximity plays a key role in influencing the number of tourists coming to the US from neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico. The ease and affordability of travel between these nations make it convenient for people to plan trips across borders, whether for a weekend getaway or a longer vacation.

Economic conditions

The economic conditions of both the United States and the tourists’ home countries greatly influence the flow of visitors. When the economies are stable and strong, people have more disposable income and are more likely to plan international trips. Conversely, during economic downturns, travel may become less affordable or a lower priority.

Exchange rates

Exchange rates between currencies can significantly impact the decisions of potential tourists. When the US dollar is strong against other currencies, visiting the US can become more expensive for tourists. Conversely, when the US dollar weakens, it becomes more affordable for visitors from countries with stronger currencies.

Ease of travel

The ease of travel, including visa requirements, transportation infrastructure, and travel restrictions, affects the attractiveness of the US as a tourist destination. Countries with streamlined visa processes and convenient transportation options often see higher numbers of visitors. On the other hand, stricter visa regulations or transport limitations might deter potential tourists.

Visa requirements

Visa requirements are a significant factor influencing travel flow. The ease and accessibility of obtaining a tourist visa can greatly impact the number of visitors from a particular country. Simplifying the visa application process and reducing the associated costs can encourage more tourists to visit the US.

Perceptions and stereotypes

Perceptions and stereotypes about the United States can either attract or discourage tourists. Positive perceptions, such as a reputation for friendliness and safety, may encourage more people to visit. Conversely, negative stereotypes or misconceptions about the US might deter potential tourists. Cultural exchange, education, and positive portrayals of the US through various media channels can help shape perceptions and overcome any negative stereotypes.

Canadian Tourists

Canada enjoys a unique relationship with the United States, allowing for easy travel and strong cultural ties. Canadian tourists make up a significant portion of the international tourists visiting the US.

Reasons for visiting the US

Canadian tourists visit the US for various reasons. Many come to enjoy warmer weather during the winter months, as well as explore American cities, national parks, and cultural attractions. The diverse landscapes and cultural experiences available in the US make it an enticing destination for Canadian travelers.

Popular destinations

Popular destinations for Canadian tourists include sun-soaked locations like Florida and California, where they can escape the harsh Canadian winters. Cities like New York, Chicago, and Las Vegas also attract Canadian visitors with their vibrant nightlife, shopping opportunities, and iconic landmarks.

Length of stay

Canadian tourists tend to have relatively short stays in the US. Many visit for a week or two, especially during holidays or vacations. The proximity between the two countries allows for shorter trips, enabling Canadians to experience the highlights without an extended time commitment.

Shopping and spending habits

Canadian tourists often take advantage of the excellent shopping opportunities in the US. With a favorable exchange rate and a wider selection of products, they indulge in shopping sprees for clothing, electronics, and other popular items. Additionally, Canadian tourists enjoy dining out and experiencing American cuisine during their visits.

Mexican Tourists

Due to the shared border and close cultural ties, Mexico provides a significant number of tourists to the US. Mexicans have diverse reasons for visiting and contribute significantly to the tourist flow.

Reasons for visiting the US

Mexican tourists visit the US for various reasons. Some come for leisure and vacation purposes, exploring American cities, attractions, and beaches. Others visit family and friends, taking advantage of the cultural ties and connections across the border. Additionally, business and trade contribute to the flow of Mexican tourists to the US.

Border cities as primary destinations

Border cities, such as San Diego, El Paso, and San Antonio, often serve as primary destinations for Mexican tourists due to the ease of access. These cities offer a unique blend of cultural experiences, shopping opportunities, and proximity to home, making them attractive choices for a weekend getaway or short trip.

Educational tourism

The United States has renowned educational institutions that attract Mexican students and their families. Educational tourism plays a significant role in Mexican visitors’ flow to the US, as families come to explore university campuses, participate in educational programs, and seek educational opportunities for their children.

Visiting friends and relatives

The cultural ties and close connections between Mexico and the US lead to a substantial number of tourists visiting friends and relatives. Mexican residents in the US often have family members back in Mexico, and regular visits are common, especially during holidays and special occasions.

UK Tourists

The United States has always held a special allure for British tourists, who are drawn to American culture, history, and iconic landmarks.

Interest in American culture

The fascination with American culture is a significant contributor to the flow of UK tourists to the US. British visitors find themselves captivated by the diverse cultural experiences available in the United States, from music and films to food and fashion. This curiosity drives them to explore the rich tapestry of American culture firsthand.

Attractions and landmarks visited

British tourists often have a checklist of iconic American attractions and landmarks they want to see during their visit. This might include landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Hollywood, and the Golden Gate Bridge. The diverse geography of the US allows British visitors to explore sprawling cities, stunning national parks, and picturesque coastlines.

Duration of trips

British tourists tend to plan relatively longer trips, allowing them to cover vast distances and experience multiple destinations within the United States. This extended time frame allows UK tourists to immerse themselves in American culture, delve deep into historical sites, and soak up the local atmosphere.

Spending patterns

British tourists are known to have healthy spending habits during their trips to the US. They enjoy shopping for American brands and luxury items, as well as dining out in a variety of restaurants. Additionally, British visitors often take advantage of the opportunity to explore different states and their unique culinary offerings.

Chinese Tourists

In recent years, China has experienced an increase in outbound tourism, with many Chinese tourists flocking to the United States to explore its offerings.

Rise in outbound tourism from China

China’s rising middle class and increased disposable income have contributed to a surge in Chinese tourists visiting the US. As more Chinese citizens desire overseas travel experiences, the United States has emerged as a favored destination due to its diverse attractions, shopping opportunities, and iconic landmarks.

Shopping and luxury brands

Chinese tourists have a strong affinity for shopping and luxury brands, and their visits to the US often revolve around retail experiences. From flagship stores on Fifth Avenue in New York City to outlet malls in California, Chinese visitors take advantage of the variety and affordability of American products.

Popular destinations

Chinese tourists often head to major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These cities offer a blend of cultural attractions, shopping opportunities, and iconic landmarks that resonate with Chinese tourists’ expectations of American experiences. National parks and natural wonders also attract Chinese visitors looking to explore the US beyond its urban centers.

Group versus independent travel

Group travel is a popular choice among Chinese tourists, as it provides a sense of security and convenience. Chinese visitors often join guided tours that enable them to visit popular sites and experience local culture with fellow travelers. However, independent travel is gaining popularity as well, as more Chinese tourists seek personalized itineraries and unique experiences in the US.

Japanese Tourists

Japan has a longstanding fascination with American culture, leading to a significant number of Japanese tourists visiting the US each year.

Historical and cultural interest in the US

Japanese tourists have a deep interest in American history and culture, fueled by factors such as movies, music, and iconic American figures. They often seek to experience firsthand the places they have seen in films or read about in history books, creating a connection between the two countries.

Famous tourist spots

Japanese tourists have a checklist of famous American tourist spots they aspire to visit. Landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and iconic cities like New York City and Los Angeles beckon Japanese visitors. They appreciate the opportunity to witness firsthand the landmarks and scenes that have been immortalized in popular culture.

Visiting multiple states

Japanese tourists often plan trips that cover multiple states within the US. They enjoy exploring the diverse landscapes, from the stunning national parks to picturesque coastal regions. Japanese visitors appreciate the chance to experience different American regions during their trip, allowing them to immerse themselves in various cultural, historical, and natural attractions.

Popular travel seasons

Japanese tourists tend to have preferred travel seasons based on the unique seasonal experiences offered in the US. Many visit during autumn to witness the vibrant fall foliage, while others choose the winter season to experience festive celebrations like Christmas in New York or skiing in Colorado. The timing of these trips often corresponds with Japanese school holidays and public holidays.

German Tourists

German tourists have a strong affinity for outdoor activities and nature, making the US an attractive destination with its diverse landscapes and numerous national parks.

Outdoor activities and natural beauty

The United States offers an abundance of outdoor activities and stunning natural beauty that resonates with German tourists. From hiking and camping in national parks to exploring scenic routes and wilderness areas, Germany’s love for nature finds a perfect match in the US.

Road trips and exploring national parks

Road trips are a common choice for German tourists visiting the US, as they provide the freedom to explore vast distances and discover hidden gems. Many Germans rent cars or campervans to embark on adventures along famous routes like the Pacific Coast Highway or Route 66. National parks, such as Yellowstone and Yosemite, are highlights of these road trips.

Attractions in major cities

While Germans have a fondness for nature, they also appreciate the cultural attractions found in major American cities. Cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago offer a wealth of architectural wonders, museums, and art galleries that captivate German tourists. The juxtaposition of exploring bustling urban centers and escaping into nature is an appealing combination for German visitors.

Booking preferences

German tourists tend to be well-organized and thoroughly plan their trips in advance. They often book accommodations, rental cars, and flights well ahead of time to secure good deals and ensure a smooth travel experience. German tourists also appreciate comprehensive travel information, such as guidebooks and online resources, to make the most of their trip.

French Tourists

French tourists share a historical and cultural connection with the United States, guiding their travel preferences and itinerary choices.

Interest in American history and culture

French tourists have a deep fascination with American history and culture, stemming from the rich historical ties between the two nations. The American Revolution, the French influence on Louisiana, and World War II play a significant role in driving French tourists to explore American historical sites and immerse themselves in the cultural offerings of the United States.

Exploring major cities

French tourists often gravitate towards major American cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, and New Orleans, to experience the unique atmosphere and cultural vibrancy. They appreciate the diverse neighborhoods, iconic architecture, and local cuisine, which offer a contrast to their own French way of life.

Art and museum visits

France has a strong cultural heritage with a rich artistic tradition, and French tourists often seek out American museums and art galleries. They find inspiration in American artists and explore exhibitions that showcase contemporary as well as classical American art. Cultural exchange through art forms an essential component of French visitors’ experiences in the US.

Preferred modes of transportation

French tourists tend to enjoy exploring the US using public transportation systems. They appreciate the convenience and immersive experience of using buses, trains, or metros. This mode of travel allows them to observe local life and discover hidden gems along the way. Additionally, renting bicycles or strolling through city streets is a popular way for French tourists to experience the charm of American neighborhoods.