Why I Will Never Go Skydiving Again

In the video “Why I Will Never Go Skydiving Again” by Noel Philips, he shares his firsthand experience of going skydiving six years ago. After receiving comments from viewers suggesting he try skydiving himself, Noel decides to take the plunge. He visits a skydiving airport, fills out a form accepting responsibility for any accidents, and changes into a red jumpsuit. The video takes us through his nerves leading up to the jump, the exhilaration and terror of freefalling, and finally landing safely. Despite the support from the skydiving staff, Noel concludes that skydiving is not for him and encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel and share their thoughts in the comments.

The Experience

Going Skydiving Six Years Ago

Six years ago, I had the opportunity to go skydiving for the first and only time. At that time, I didn’t have any intentions of ever trying it, but after receiving numerous comments from viewers on my channel, urging me to go skydiving myself, I finally decided to give it a shot. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

Receiving Comments from Viewers

After posting a video discussing skydiving, I was bombarded with comments from viewers telling me that I needed to experience it for myself. Some were supportive, while others were more confident in their encouragement. After receiving so much feedback, I felt compelled to take on the challenge and see what all the excitement was about.

Heading to the Skydiving Airport

Filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, I made my way to the skydiving airport. As I entered the hangar, I was surrounded by young, athletic individuals who were preparing their oversized bed sheets (parachutes) for their jumps. The energy in the air was palpable, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation.

Filling out a Form Accepting Responsibility

Before taking part in the skydiving experience, I had to fill out a form accepting all responsibility for any injuries or accidents that may occur. It was a moment of clarity where I realized the potential risks involved in this extreme activity. Nevertheless, I signed the form, ready to face the challenge head-on.

Changing into a Red Jumpsuit

As part of the pre-jump ritual, I had to change into a red jumpsuit. It was at this point that the gravity of the situation truly sunk in. Standing there, wearing the jumpsuit and feeling a mix of fear and excitement, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the right decision. But it was too late to turn back now.

Receiving a Safety Briefing

In order to ensure our safety, we received a thorough briefing on the safety procedures and what to expect during the jump. The instructors emphasized the importance of following their instructions and avoiding any reckless behavior. Despite the nerves, I appreciated their attention to detail and dedication to keeping us safe.

The Jump

Boarding the Pilatus PC6 Porter Plane

My ride for the day was a Pilatus PC6 Porter plane, which had been used by various skydiving schools in Europe and the US. Boarding the plane, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. This was it; there was no turning back now.

Taking off for a One-Way Flight

As the plane took off, the realization hit me that this would be a one-way flight. There would be no turning back until I jumped out of the plane. The scenery from the plane was breathtaking, and I tried to take it all in, distracting myself from the nervousness that was building up inside me.

Reaching 15,000 Feet

After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached our jumping altitude of 15,000 feet. Looking out of the plane’s window, the world below seemed so small and distant. It was a surreal feeling, realizing that I would soon be part of the vast open sky.

The Exhilarating and Terrifying Experience

With a mix of exhilaration and terror, it was finally time to jump. As I stood at the open door, my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn’t help but question my decision. But with one final deep breath, I took the leap of faith and let the adrenaline take over.

Jumping Out of the Plane

The moment of freefalling through the sky was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The rush of wind, the weightlessness, and the speed were indescribable. It was equal parts thrilling and terrifying. As I plummeted to the ground at an astonishing speed, I tried my best to enjoy the moment, even though my face may not have shown it.


During the freefall, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I soared through the air like a majestic eagle. However, it was a sensory overload, with the wind roaring in my ears and my stomach twisting with a mix of fear and excitement. In that moment, all I could do was surrender to the experience and hope for a safe landing.

Landing and Reflection

Parachute Deployment

As the ground rapidly approached, it was finally time for the parachute to deploy. The sudden deceleration and change in direction were intense to say the least. The force of the parachute’s deployment jolted my body, and for a brief moment, my vision started to fade as darkness enveloped the edges.

Landing Safely

Thankfully, my descent slowed, and I began to regain my senses. With the guidance of my experienced instructor, we made our descent to the ground. The landing was not as graceful as I had hoped, but I managed to touch down safely. The relief that washed over me at that moment was unmatched.

Finding the Experience Terrifying

Once the initial adrenaline rush subsided, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of terror lingering within me. While some people may find skydiving to be an incredible and thrilling experience, it simply wasn’t for me. The fear I experienced during the jump overshadowed any enjoyment I might have had.

Decision to Never Go Skydiving Again

After reflecting on my skydiving experience, I made the firm decision that I would never go skydiving again. While I appreciate the allure and the thrill that it provides for others, I realized that it was not a hobby or activity that aligned with my personal preferences and comfort level.

Thanking the Staff at the Skydiving Facility

Despite my decision to never go skydiving again, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for the staff at the skydiving facility. Their professionalism, dedication, and commitment to safety were evident throughout the entire process. Their expertise made the experience as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Last Extreme Experience: Flying a Cessna

While skydiving may not be my cup of tea, I still have an adventurous spirit. I mentioned in the video that flying a Cessna would be my last extreme experience. The idea of being in control and safely landing a plane excites me more than taking a leap out of one.


Encouraging Viewers to Subscribe to the Channel

I hope you enjoyed this video and my honest account of why I will never go skydiving again. If you want to see more content like this, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. I appreciate each and every one of you, and your support means the world to me.

Inviting Thoughts and Comments

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my skydiving experience or any extreme experiences you have had. Have you ever gone skydiving? Did you find it exhilarating or terrifying? Let’s keep the conversation going in the comments section below.